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Weight Watchers at Work New Year Sessions Begin This Week

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    A new 12-week Weight Watchers at Work will begin this month. The first session at the Miller School of Medicine will take place on Wednesday, January 14, with meetings held every Wednesday at 11:30 a.m. at the Clinical Research Building, room 975. The first session on the Coral Gables campus will take place Thursday, January 15, with meetings held every Thursday at 12 p.m. at Gables One Tower in the sixth-floor conference room.

    As part of Well ’Canes, this taxable employee benefit provides first-time attendees with 100 percent reimbursement for complete attendance and continuing participants with 50 percent reimbursement for complete attendance. The cost of the program is $165 for new members and $155 for continuing and lifetime members.

    The cornerstone of the Weight Watchers program is nutrition, coupled with exercise advice and a very effective behavior modification program, which leads to new eating-management skills, safe weight loss, and the ultimate goal of maintenance. For more information, click here or email [email protected].




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