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University Update on Laptop Incident

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    On Wednesday evening, December 5, at approximately 6:30 p.m. University of Miami police were dispatched to investigate the theft of a laptop from a college residential dorm, which had occurred the previous day. The police were informed that the victim of the theft had received a phone call from an unknown caller advising the victim that the caller would return the laptop in exchange for a monetary reward. A meeting between the victim and the caller was arranged for approximately 9 p.m., and UMPD was fully aware of the meeting and on site.

    Upon seeing the police, two suspects fled, one by foot, the other by vehicle that was subsequently abandoned in another area of the campus. UM and Coral Gables police quickly established a perimeter around the impacted area, which soon led to the arrest of the suspect on foot as well as to the recovery of the stolen laptop. At no time were weapons used in the incident, and no injuries were reported. The police investigation is ongoing.

    The University of Miami Police Department issued an ENN (Emergency Notification Network) message at 9:13 p.m. to alert the campus community to the developing situation and to make them aware of the police perimeter and ongoing search for the suspects. At 9:49 p.m. an all-clear message was communicated.

    The initial ENN was both incomplete and insensitive, and the University of Miami offers its sincere apologies. University leadership has already launched a full investigation of the incident, the ENN message, and University procedures. The University will make every effort to learn from this experience and to improve its responsiveness in the future.  

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