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UM Announces Support for DACA Students and Employees

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    MigrationFrom the day the University of Miami opened its doors in 1926, just weeks after a hurricane devastated South Florida, it has stood on a foundation of resolve, resourcefulness, and resilience, especially in the face of challenge. These are the same characteristics that have propelled generations of people to leave their homelands and start anew in the United States—and the same traits that have imbued their children with the drive to advance their knowledge and pursue their dreams.

    The University of Miami is committed to providing its students, faculty, and staff of all nationalities and citizenship status with opportunities to nurture their talents and achieve their goals. The University supports undocumented students and “dreamers,” those with Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) status, and will do all it can, within the law, to enable them to continue their education and employment.

    President Julio Frenk is among more than 600 college and university presidents from public and private U.S. institutions to sign a statement in support of the DACA program and undocumented immigrant students, urging that these student populations “represent what is best about America, and as scholars and leaders they are essential to the future.”

    In addition to the U Dreamers Grant, a four-year grant available to eligible DACA students who apply to the University of Miami no later than January 1 of their senior year in high school, we offer the following academic, legal, and personal resources to the campus community.

     Campus Resources

    • The School of Law’s Immigration Clinic offers free and confidential consultations to UM students who are undocumented or in DACA status. Eligible and interested students should email [email protected]and ask for an appointment.
    • Undocumented or DACA students who are coping with stressors related to immigration status can take advantage of the services at the UM Counseling Center. Individual, group, and other counseling resources are available without additional charge for all enrolled and health-fee-paying UM students.
    • For further assistance and information about additional resources, students may contact Dr. Patricia A. Whitely, vice president for student affairs, at 305-284-4922 or [email protected].

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