Professional Development

One Bite at a Time

Reap the benefits of microlearning with bite-sized lessons every day. Short, regular periods of high-intensity exercise get you fitter quicker than endurance training; eating little and often keeps you slimmer; and bite-sized instruction lets you learn faster. Bite-sized content is easier to digest, understand and remember.

Take a moment to check out light, short-yet-substantial content in ULearn, including this week’s recommended bite-sized lesson:

Effective Business Meetings

Description: Get some quick insight before running your next meeting. In just a few minutes you will be better equipped to run more effective meetings.

  • When Too Many Meetings Are Just Too Much – 6 minutes
  • Making Meetings Work – 6 minutes
  • Preparing to Meet – 4 minutes
  • To Meet or Not to Meet – 2 minutes

 To sign up:

  1. Visit: ULearn
  2. Log in using your ‘Cane ID and password
  3. Search for “Effective Business Meetings”
  4. Click on “Request”

For more information, please contact Talent and Organizational Development at [email protected]

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Learning Needn’t Be a Juggling Act Where You Drop Everything!

juggling-actTake more control of your own development with professional development learning in ULearn! Explore easy-to-access online courses, live events, certifications, books, and videos. You choose which skills to develop in a time and place convenient for you.

The simple and intuitive design of the learning material is engaging and focused, offering just the right amount of information necessary to help you achieve a specific, actionable objective. You will find learning modules that are highly interactive in nature and adjustable to your own busy schedule.

Recommended learning of the week: Navigating Change

  1. Visit: miami.edu/ulearn
  2. Log in
  3. Go on the “Featured Training” section
  4. Click on Navigating Change

Be sure to visit the professional development learning portal in ULearn and invest in your professional development today!

For more information on the expansion of professional development offerings, please contact Talent and Organizational Development at [email protected] or 305-243-3090.

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Learn to Earn: Professional Development Courses Now Earn Well ’Canes Points

Learn to EarnHere’s a another reason to take advantage of the enhanced ULearn introduced last fall to make content easily accessible and readily available at all times: You can now earn Well ’Canes points for taking advantage and engaging in development activities that meet your needs from the comfort of your PC, laptop or tablet.

Thousands of employees are already using the enhanced learner-friendly navigation and searching capabilities and the featured training section that highlights new, popular, and recommended courses. Along with these improvements, professional and leadership development offerings also include a library of online courses, live events, certifications, books, and videos developed by Skillsoft, an innovative leader in eLearning and professional development resources.

And now, in addition to these many benefits, you can earn up to 400 Well ’Canes Points for completing Skillsoft courses in ULearn. Learn and grow as a professional while increasing your personal wellness at the same time. What are you waiting for? The U is investing in you, so it’s time for you to invest in yourself!

To continue your personal development and “Learn It to Earn It”:

  • Visit ulearn.miami.edu
  • Once you’ve logged in, you may:
    • Use the main “Search” box (at top of the screen) or click “Browse Training by Subject”
    • Click the “Certifications” or “Books & Live Events” button
    • Scroll to the “Featured Training” section, and click on any of the recommended courses

For more information on the expansion of professional and leadership development offerings, please contact Talent and Organizational Development at [email protected] or visit us at www.miami.edu/learn.








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Register for Bachelor of General Studies Virtual Information Session on March 20

Register now to learn more about the University of Miami Bachelor of General Studies via a live webinar on Tuesday, March 20, from 12:15 to 1:15 p.m. This will be a great opportunity to chat with the admissions team, receive information about financial aid options, get insights from current students about their experiences, and learn more about the tuition remission benefit for UM employees.

Webinar participants will receive a discount code to reduce the application fee. Take the next step towards finishing your degree! Register now.


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