Open Enrollment has officially begun. Your annual opportunity to enroll or make changes to medical, dental, flexible spending, and short-term disability benefits begins today and runs through Friday, November 2. As part of a weeklong Open Enrollment event lineup, University of Miami employees are invited to attend the Benefits Fair today in the Coral Gables Wellness Center’s Centre Court at 12:30 p.m. Sebastian the Ibis will lead a special Well ’Canes Energy Break and visit with faculty and staff.
If you are unable to attend, please be sure to visit the 2013 Benefits Fair any day this week to learn more about your benefit options for next year. While at the fair, be sure to enjoy a free massage and healthy snacks at the ’Canes Café. You can also enter to win raffle prizes and giveaways, and receive your free flu shot.
Log on to myUM to make your elections for 2013 benefits, as many of your current elections will not roll over. (Note: University Miami Hospital employees should visit for benefit information and to enroll). Your current elections for the medical plan, smokers’ surcharge, spousal surcharge, and Flexible Spending Account will not roll over. If you do not take action and either enroll in or decline medical coverage, you and your covered dependants will be placed in the Aetna HRA medical plan, and smokers’ and spousal surcharges will apply. During the next few weeks, please take the time to learn more at a Benefits Fair, information session, or webcast.
For more information on 2013 Open Enrollment, including the Benefits Fair and information session schedules, please visit
If you have any questions, contact a benefits representative online at or by phone at 305-284-3004.