A recent upgrade to ULearn has enhanced several of the online learning environment’s features. One of the most notable new features is the events calendar, which provides a listing of live sessions that are scheduled in ULearn.
The calendar can be accessed in two ways. From the welcome page, you can select “Events/Class Calendar” under Quick Links. Or you can select “Events Calendar” from the Learning dropdown menu.
By default, the events calendar initially displays the events for which you have already registered, and it shows them in monthly calendar format. You can easily change this view to suit your preferences:
• Switch from “My Events” to “All Events” to see live sessions that are taking place around the University.
• Switch from month view to day, week, or agenda view to see the events taking place in a specific date range.
• Scroll through the months to search for upcoming events.
• Filter events by the location where they will take place.
From the events calendar, you can select a specific session by clicking on the session title and selecting the “Request” button to register.
Other New Definitions
• Transcript: A dynamic interface that shows the user’s completed training schedule, training that is currently in progress, and training to be completed in the future.
• Curriculum: A method of organizing training activities that occur in a series or sequence; allows the user to search and register for training with fewer clicks.
• Online Class: previously known as a CBL; an online module.
• ILT Event/Session: previously known as ILT Course/Class; live, instructor-led training; a session is an incidence of the event that takes place on a particular date and time.
• Withdraw: previously known as cancel; users must withdraw from an ILT session if they can no longer attend on that date and want to remove it from their transcript.
To learn more about the ULearn upgrades, take a tour or log into ULearn.