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UM Trustee Appointed to National Panel on Airport Scanners

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UM Trustee Appointed to National Panel on Airport Scanners

UM News

Edward Dauer

Dr. Edward A. Dauer

CORAL GABLES, FLA. (February 6, 2015)—University of Miami Trustee and triple alumnus Dr. Edward A. Dauer, a distinguished diagnostic radiologist in the community and research associate professor of biomedical engineering, radiology, and family medicine at UM, has been appointed to the National Academy of Sciences’ special advisory panel on the safety of ultrasound scanners used to screen passengers in airports across the nation.

As a member of the scientific committee on the millimeter wave machines, Dauer, the director of radiology at Florida Medical Center in Fort Lauderdale, will review how the Department of Homeland Security and equipment manufacturers estimate the level of non-ionizing millimeter wave radiation exposures that air travelers are exposed to when scanned by the advanced imaging technology. These screening machines are in use at approximately 160 airports across the nation. Unlike x-ray scanners, which use ionizing radiation that can break bonds in living cells, millimeter wave machines use low-energy, non-ionizing, radio frequency waves to detect weapons, explosives, or other hidden objects.

Appointed by Ralph J. Cicerone, president of the National Academy of Sciences and chair of the National Research Council, the committee is also charged with evaluating whether traveler and operator exposures to non-ionizing radiation meet health and safety standards, and whether the design, and the operating and maintenance procedures for ultrasound machines are appropriate for preventing over exposure.

“It is encouraging that an independent panel of scientists and researchers will be able to study and evaluate objective scientific data to assess the safety of this imaging technology and to protect the traveling public,” Dauer said.

James Tien, Distinguished Professor and Dean of the College of Engineering, said he immediately thought of recommending Dauer for the expert panel when he learned about the upcoming study of millimeter wave screeners. “As both an engineer and a medical doctor, he is uniquely qualified to be a member of the study committee,” Tien said. “Obviously, NAS President Dr. Ralph Cicerone was equally impressed with Dr. Dauer’s qualifications.”

Chaired by Kathryn V. Logan, the principal research engineer emerita at Georgia Institute of Technology and an adjunct professor at Virginia Polytechnic Institute, the 14-member panel’s report is due next year.

Dauer, the first undergraduate at UM to study biomedical engineering, earned his Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering in 1972, his medical degree in 1975, and his master’s in biomedical engineering in 2001. His current academic work at UM includes medical physiology, unified medical sciences, radiation physics, and radiation biology. He established the new research lab in scanning electron microscopy at the College of Engineering and is working on electron microscopy analysis of biomedical devices and tissue engineering. He also served on the Florida State Board of Medicine, the state’s licensing board for physicians, for 11 years, including two terms as chairman.

Dauer has served as a member of the UM Board of Trustees since 1996 and is currently a member of the Executive Committee. He was a member of UM’s President’s Council and of the Medical Dean Leadership Cabinet, and is an active member of the Miller School of Medicine Admissions Committee.

A member of Iron Arrow since 1996, he received the School of Medicine Distinguished Alumnus Award in 2000 and the Henry King Stanford Alumnus of the Year Award in 2001 for his ongoing dedication to the University.

Over the years, he and his family have been generous donors to the University, supporting the Richter Library, the Convocation Center, Athletics, the College of Engineering, the School of Medicine, the School of Nursing and Health Studies, and student scholarships.




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UM Trustee Victor E. Clarke’s Passion for Music Endures

Whenever Victor E. Clarke would meet with University of Miami Frost School of Music Dean Shelton “Shelly” Berg, he would talk about his fascination with music technology.

“Victor was always curious about technology,” said Berg, “and I think that’s what drew him to music. He was somewhat of an amateur music technology buff.”

Clarke, a UM trustee who grew his father’s Coral Gables-based engineering firm into a worldwide leader in custom-made avionics control panels and audio systems, and donated funds to build a UM music recital hall that bears his name, passed away on November 27. He was 81.

“Innovative and inquisitive” is how Berg described Clarke, who earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Engineering from Cornell University. “Even when he was in poor health, Victor stayed very up on what was going on at the music school,” recalled the dean. “I last saw him about a month ago, and we met for about an hour. We just had the greatest conversation, and he was still very excited about what we were doing.”

A lifelong resident of Miami who graduated from Coral Gables High School, Clarke followed the philanthropic example set by his parents, Victor P. and Charlotte H. Clarke, who gave to many causes. Clarke’s gift to UM’s music school named the Victor E. Clarke Recital Hall, a 120-seat venue dedicated in April 1994 that continues to play a critical role in the Frost School’s mission, serving as an ideal setting for solo performances and smaller concerts that wouldn’t be held in the larger Gusman Concert Hall.

With the Frost School now in the midst of a major expansion phase that includes a new music studios building, 200-seat performance hall, and an experiential learning center, Clarke Recital Hall will be retrofitted with high-tech sound and lighting features to accommodate electronic classical music.

Among the other projects made possible by Clarke’s generosity are the Victor E. Clarke Pavilion at Baptist Hospital in Kendall, the Baptist Cardiovascular Institute, and the Victor E. Clarke Education Center at South Miami Hospital.

Born on March 13, 1932, in Miami, Clarke served his country as an officer in the United States Air Force during the 1950s. Shortly after graduating from Cornell in 1956, he joined his father’s avionics firm, Gables Engineering, later succeeding the elder Clarke at the helm as chairman, CEO, and principal owner.

Clarke was appointed a University of Miami trustee in 1982, and an emeritus trustee in 2000. He served on the Academic Affairs, Athletic Advisory, Finance and Audit, Student Affairs, Master Planning and Construction, and Development Affairs committees. He also chaired the visiting committees of the College of Engineering and Frost School of Music, and was a member of the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science Visiting Committee.

He was a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, and in recognition of his contributions to engineering, Clarke was inducted into Tau Beta Pi, the national engineering honor society, in January 1986.

Clarke is survived by his daughters, Charlotte “Anne” Clarke and Patricia “Lynn” Clarke Cogan; granddaughters Erin, Colleen, Kerry, Kelly, Mary-Bridget, and Meghan-Ann; and five great-grandchildren, Luke, Hannah, Gabrielle, Ryan and Natalie.

In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations to a charity of your choice.


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UM Mourns Passing of Longtime Trustee Nicholas A. “Nick” Crane

Crane was elected to the UM Board of Trustees in 1986 and provided major support to a variety of University initiatives.

Crane was elected to the UM Board of Trustees in 1986 and provided major support to a variety of University initiatives.

The University of Miami family mourns the loss of loyal Miami Hurricane and longtime UM trustee Nicolas A. “Nick” Crane. A two-time graduate (B.B.A. ’51 and J.D. ’53), Crane was a devoted father and grandfather, a successful businessman, and a caring community leader.

“Nick Crane was thoughtful, smart, and just plain nice. He never gave up on his community or his beloved ’Canes. He will be missed,” said University of Miami President Donna E. Shalala. Read the full story

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Board of Trustees Appoints New Members

Allan M. Herbert, a University of Miami alumnus who, together with his wife Patti, made an $8 million pledge to rename UM’s on-campus Wellness Center, has been appointed to the University’s Board of Trustees. The board, which governs the University, also appointed Roger A. Saunders an alumni trustee and named Jenna Winchester its new student trustee.

Herbert, who earned a Bachelor of Business Administration and Master of Business Administration from UM’s School of Business in 1955 and 1958, respectively, and his wife Patricia McBride Herbert are owners and operators of the Richmond Hotel in Miami Beach. Allan Herbert is also the former president of Financial Indemnity, an automobile insurance subsidiary of Unitrin, Inc., located in Burbank, California.

The Herberts met while attending UM in the 1950s. In 2004 they established an endowment for the Love Bridge, which is located outside the Patti and Allan Herbert Wellness Center. Proceeds from the sale of personalized bricks support the ’Canes Health Assessment and Motivation Program, established by the Herberts to create a stronger sense of health awareness among the UM community. The couple also established the Pat McBride and Allan Herbert Endowed Scholarship Fund at the School of Business Administration. And in October 2008 the Herberts made an $8 million donation to name the Wellness Center.

Allan Herbert is a recipient of the UM Alumni Association Henry King Stanford Alumni of the Year Award (2004) and the UM Alumni Association Green: Outstanding Fundraiser Award (2008). He is also a member of Iron Arrow Honor Society, UM’s highest honor.

A 1951 alumnus of UM, Saunders is founder of Saunders Hotel Group, a family-owned luxury hotel group. He is also a managing director of Saunders Family Enterprises, Inc. He previously served as chairman, president, and chief executive officer of Saunders Hotel Group.

Winchester, a student at the School of Law, will serve as president of the Student Bar Association for the upcoming academic year. She is a member of the Entertainment and Sports Law Society as well as Miami Law Women. As a UM student, she oversees Kids2Kids, which has raised more $100,000 for children’s charities.


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Longtime Trustee and Philanthropist Florence Hecht Passes Away

The traditional midnight breakfast served in the University of Miami’s Hecht-Stanford Residential College cafeteria during final exam week always drew a crowd of students. Serving them food on many occasions was Florence Ruth Hecht, the silver-haired lady with the big smile whom the students always enjoyed seeing.

“The students adored seeing her, and she loved wearing her name tag that read, ‘Florence Hecht,’ ” recalls UM Vice President for Student Affairs Pat Whitely. “They often asked her if she was really Florence Hecht for whom the college was named, and she loved replying, ‘Of course.’ ” Read the full story

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