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UMIT Honored for Advancing Medical Imaging


UMIT Honored for Advancing Medical Imaging

Special to UM News

Members of UMIT's award-winning team are, from left, ShawnClark, Dawn Cram, and Rick Stratton.

Members of UMIT’s award-winning Enterprise Imaging Team are, from left, Shawn Clark, Dawn Cram, and Rick Stratton.

The University of Miami Information Technology’s (UMIT) Enterprise Imaging Team recently won Merge HealthCare’s 2015 Visionary Award for the Acute Care Market for their work on UImaging, an industry-changing enterprise image archive and viewing solution.

“UImaging is a unique solution which goes beyond what is currently available in the industry. It facilitates the efficient and effective archiving and distribution of any medical image, regardless of its format or originating system,” said Dawn Cram, enterprise imaging manager. “This means we are able to store and archive any type of medical image, and that any provider, anywhere in the world, can be granted access to view it within our system.”

The solutions provided by UImaging directly benefit health care providers and patients at UHealth – University of Miami Health System. Over a five-year period, UImaging will be implemented across the enterprise in a phased approach. Beginning with the dermatology, ear nose and throat (ENT), and surgical departments, physicians will be able to more readily access patient images, such as clinical photos or scope videos, within UChart, UHealth’s electronic medical record (EMR) system. This will streamline workflows, reduce the time spent accessing medical images, and increase the time physicians have available to spend providing quality care to patients.

“UM has pushed the envelope with a true partnership by bringing their vision for archiving Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) and non-DICOM/Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing (XDS) to the Merge development and solutions teams,” said Nancy Koenig, Merge Healthcare’s chief operating officer. “Their goal of providing physicians with multidisciplinary access to images is a more streamlined and unified approach. Thinking outside the box is something UM continues to do very well.”

Of Merge’s 7,500 plus customers, UM and three other organizations (Johns Hopkins, Beverly Hospital (a member of Lahey Health), and Kaiser Permanente) were nominated for the 2015 Visionary Award for the Acute Care Market. Read more about Merge Healthcare’s 2015 Awards.

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Get Connected at UMIT’s Wifi Tune-Up Stations

SecureCanes1In response to feedback regarding issues with wireless connectivity on the Coral Gables campus, the University of Miami Information Technology (UMIT) department will open a Wifi Tune-Up Station this week and another in two weeks where faculty, staff, students, or anyone with a valid ’Cane Card can have their wireless device(s) updated for optimal performance and report any connectivity problems they are experiencing.

UMIT will review all reported issues closely and analyze wireless connectivity in problem areas as part of its ongoing efforts to improve service and provide fast, high-quality wireless connectivity to the UM community. Wireless connectivity issues include difficulty connecting to and remaining connected to SecureCanes, slow performance, and the availability of SecureCanes campus-wide.

You may visit a Coral Gables campus Wifi Tune-Up Station on the following dates and times:

Monday, October 19 and Tuesday, October 20, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the School of Business Administration, Storer Auditorium Lobby

Get Connected, Stay Connected

UMIT encourages the faculty, staff, and students to continue utilizing SecureCanes for wireless connectivity to ensure secure online activity. For more information on SecureCanes, its features, and how to successfully connect your device(s), visit the following sites:

·         SecureCanes Documentation

·         SecureCanes Quick Reference and FAQ


UMIT Values Your Opinion

If you are experiencing wireless connectivity issues on your device(s), please let UMIT know by:

Filling out the easy and mobile-friendly WiFi Feedback and Trouble Reporting Form. 

Posting on Twitter, using hashtag #SecureCanes and including a description of the area where you are experiencing wireless connectivity issues

Contacting the UMIT Service Desk at 305-284-6565 or [email protected].

UMIT’s goal is to remedy wireless issues on campus and­, through greater interaction with the UM community,­ improve the experience for all.

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