From a veteran journalist recognized as one of the most influential role models for today’s Hispanic women to a recent graduate who developed and implemented a plan to get doctors into Haiti in the event of a disaster, a group of 12 distinguished individuals were honored by the University of Miami Alumni Association on April 14 during the annual Alumni Awards Ceremony. This year’s event, held at the new Newman Alumni Center, recognized not only outstanding alumni and University affiliated groups but also individuals who have been actively involved with the UM Alumni Association. Ten individuals received awards, while two were granted the designation of honorary alumnus.
Seated, from left to right, are: Morgan Smith, president, and Jennifer Pfleger, vice president, Beaux Arts, Outstanding Affiliate Group; Jennifer Phillips, B.B.A. ’06, Outstanding Young Alumnus; Cristina Saralegui, ’71, Edward T. Foote II Alumnus of Distinction; Gregory Cesarano, J.D. ’76, Henry King Stanford Alumnus of the Year; and Elizabeth Greig, M.D. ’10, Student of Distinction. Standing, from left to right, are: Rudy Moise, M.B.A. ’94, J.D. ’97, William R. Butler Community Service Award; Todd Payne, A.B. ’84, J.D. ’89, Outstanding Service; Shelly Berg, dean of the Frost School of Music, Inside Out Award; Richard B. Bermont, senior vice president of The Bermont/Carlin Group at Morgan Stanley Smith Barney; Nicholas A. Buoniconti, co-founder of The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis and founder of the Buoniconti Fund to Cure Paralysis, Distinction of Honorary Alumnus; and John K. Schulte, A.B. ’54, Outstanding Fundraiser. Unable to attend was Kristina Rosales, A.B. ’10, Student of Distinction. To learn more, click here.