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Working Groups Developing UM’s Roadmap to Our New Century

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    Four-member teams known as Quads are investigating and identifying projects that will lead UM to fulfill its mission to be the hemispheric university, the excellent university, the relevant university, and the exemplary university.

    UM News

    President Frenk

    President Frenk speaks at his January 29 inauguration.

    Fueled by the initiatives outlined by President Julio Frenk during his inaugural address on January 29 – concepts which were shaped by feedback during Frenk’s extensive listening exercise last fall – working groups of faculty, staff, and students are laying plans for the “Roadmap to our New Century.”

    The working groups, referred to as “Quads” because they each have four members, are focused on eight strategic initiatives, which will sharpen the University’s vision to be the hemispheric university, the excellent university, the relevant university, and the exemplary university as we look toward our centennial celebration in 2025.

    “The planning work of the Quads is an essential part of this process, and their members are committed to representing the overarching interests of the University as a whole,” Frenk said. “We will continue to consult with faculty, staff, students, alumni, and trustees once the proposals are completed at the end of the academic year.”

    The Quads will outline activities and proposals to move the University forward, issuing outlines and project designs by May 31. Quads are assisted by a two-member advisory team referred to as a “Dyad,” and a member of the special projects team in the President’s Office.

    Review information on the Roadmap to Our New Century.

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    Prior to issuing their reports, the Quads will have periodic check-in meetings with senior leadership and key stakeholders to review progress and help shape potential projects and activities.

    In his February 1 letter to the UM community, Frenk emphasized that the University has unique opportunities to distinguish itself moving forward.

    Frenk also encourages the UM community to share their comments and feedback on the eight initiatives.

    The eight Quads are focused on:

    100 New Talents for 100 Years: Add 100 endowed chairs over the next ten years with a combination of senior, junior, and visiting positions.

    • Quad: Faculty members June Dreyer, Mihoko Suzuki, Ben Kirtman, and Alex Portes

    Problem-based Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Enhance multidisciplinary connections across schools and departments by developing ideas and funding mechanisms to facilitate translation of theories and evidence to workable solutions.

    • Quad: Faculty members Susan Morgan, Kenny Broad, Dalton Dietrich, and Nick Tsinoremas

    Hemispheric Innovation Hub: Develop a hub for innovation and new ventures to encourage entrepreneurship, enable collaboration, and spur product development.

    • Quad: Faculty members Alessia Fornoni, Vance Lemmon, Leonard Pinchuk, and Rey Sanchez

    Hemispheric University Consortium: Promote collaboration and partnership with other universities and institutions to improve opportunities for research and education across the hemisphere and globally where synergies exist.

    • Quad: Faculty members Enrique Ginzburg, Donette Francis, Lilian Manzor, and Dean Willy Prado

    Culture of Belonging: Examine the environment of inclusion on campus. This initiative goes beyond the metrics of diversity. It will recommend actions toward a culture where all members of the University community feel valued and have the opportunity to add value.

    • Quad: Faculty member Michael Alessandri, staff members Gail Cole-Avent and Laz Pagan, and student Brianna Hathaway

    Access with Excellence: Propose programs and resources to minimize or eliminate financial obstacles to enrollment, learning, international study, research opportunities, and career networking and options for undergraduate and graduate students.

    • Quad: Faculty members Mike Gaines and Marvin Dawkins, staff member Joanne Brown, and student Arrix Ryce

    University-wide Platform for Educational Innovation: Develop more opportunities for students to be involved in an active and participatory learning experience, and faculty to explore and test experimental teaching methods.

    • Quad: Dean Charles Eckman, faculty members Rich Beckman and Joan St. Onge, and student Joshua L. Myers

    Investment in Basic and Applied Science and Engineering: Enhance excellence in the basic sciences, applied sciences, and engineering. This initiative will cultivate opportunities for multidisciplinary scientific research, teaching, and innovation to ensure the University’s capacity to address major challenges.

    • Quad: Faculty members Glen Barber, Amy Clement, Angel Kaifer, Tony Nanni, and Claus Wahlestedt

    President Frenk and Provost Thomas J. LeBlanc have urged the Quads to be innovative, and to build on the work and expertise already in place at UM. Once the Quads have completed their work, the proposals will be made available to the university community for feedback.



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