UM News
CORAL GABLES, Fla. (March 16, 2018)—Graduate School Dean Guillermo (Willy) Prado, whose research focuses on the prevention of risky health behaviors in adolescents, has been elected to the board of directors of Research!America, a national advocacy and public education nonprofit committed to promoting research that improves health.
“I am honored and humbled to have the opportunity to work alongside the distinguished leaders that comprise the board of directors of Research!America,” said Prado, the Leonard M. Miller Professor of Public Health Sciences and the director of the Division of Prevention Science and Community Health at the Miller School of Medicine. “I am eager to advance Research!America’s mission to elevate the visibility of the importance of research in improving the nation’s health.”
Prado joins the board along with Derek Rapp, president and chief executive officer of JDRF, which is a global leader in funding research for type 1 diabetes.
“Derek Rapp and Dr. Guillermo Prado have committed their careers to improving the lives of patients and supporting efforts to accelerate medical progress,” said Mary Woolley, president and CEO of Research!America. “They bring a wealth of experience to our board and our alliance will benefit tremendously from their longstanding dedication to research for health.”
A double UM alumnus who was appointed dean of the Graduate School in 2016, Prado has focused most of his career on preventing drug use, unsafe sexual behavior, inactivity, poor diet, and other behaviors associated with adolescent morbidity and mortality, particularly in Hispanic youth.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has continuously funded his research on Hispanic adolescent health since the first year of his doctoral program in epidemiology and public health, which he completed in 2005, after earning his Master of Science in statistics in 2000.
Since earning his Ph.D., he has been a principal investigator (PI) Co-PI, or senior mentor of approximately $80 million in HIV, substance abuse, and obesity prevention studies funded by the NIH and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
He is currently the PI of two NIH-funded research grants—one in drug abuse and HIV prevention and the second in obesity prevention—and he has been recognized by numerous organizations for his research, mentoring and training of early career scientists.
“We are incredibly proud of Dr. Prado being elected to the Board of Directors of Research America as it is a reflection not only of his exemplary leadership in advocating for the role that basic and translational research plays in our country, but also the University of Miami’s stature,” said Jeffrey Duerk, executive vice president for academic affairs and provost. “Willy has been a creative and passionate leader of our Graduate School and I am thrilled to see he will have the opportunity to share his talents on the national stage.”