The University of Miami Police Department is again offering the National Self-Defense Institute’s two-hour S.A.F.E. class to members of the University of Miami community free of charge on Wednesday, April 11. Participants need only attend one session, which will be held from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. in Mahoney-Pearson Commons 116 and 118. .
An acronym for Self-Defense Awareness and Familiarization Exchange, S.A.F.E. is described as an unparalleled two-hour educational awareness, crime-victim prevention program which, encompassing strategies, techniques, options, and prevention, provides teenaged and adult women with information that may reduce their risk of exposure to violence and introduces them to the physical aspects of self-defense.
While the course is designed for women, nobody will be turned away.
If interested, please email [email protected] with the date that best fits your schedule.