Eugene R. Schiff, center, cuts the ribbon to the Schiff Center for Liver Diseases surrounded by, from left, UM trustee Stuart Miller, Dean Pascal J. Goldschmidt, and UM trustee Arthur Hertz, a member of the center’s advisory board.
For 43 years, hepatologist Eugene R. Schiff, who like his father before him is one of the world’s leading authorities on liver disease, has led the University’s clinical research aimed at developing improved treatments and cures for hepatitis B, C, and D, cirrhosis, and the entire spectrum of liver and biliary tract disorders.
Now, with the field of hepatology on the cusp of a long-awaited and dramatic transition in treatment, particularly for hepatitis C, the informal Center for Liver Diseases that Schiff and his late father founded to advance the University’s hepatology research is undergoing its own transition to a more formal and independent structure with a physical location and a new name: the Schiff Center for Liver Diseases. Read the full story