Posted on 08 April 2011
Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center will host a seminar by Ronan Swords, assistant professor of medicine in the Division of Hematology/Oncology in the Cancer Therapy and Research Center at the University of Texas Health Science Center, today, April 11, from 12 to 1 p.m. in Sylvester conference room 1301. Swords will present “Managing the Myeloid Leukemias – New Targets and New Drugs.” For more information, contact Amanda Grabloski at 305-243-4889 or [email protected].
Posted on 06 April 2011
Guoyan Cheng, graduate student, will present “The Role of IL-2/IL-2R Signaling in Treg Cells Development, Homeostasis, and Function” this Monday, April 11, at 12 p.m. in the Rosenstiel Medical Science Building, Room 3109. For more information or to add your name to the distribution list, please email Janisse Delgado at [email protected].
Posted on 06 April 2011
Jamie Theobald, assistant professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at Florida International University, will present “Complex Visual Computations in the Fly Brain” this Monday, April, 11 at 12:20 p.m. in the Cox Science Center, Room 166. Theobald studies vision and visual behavior in insects, concentrating on comparative visual physiology, quantitative visual psychophysics, and visual ethology. For more information about this event, email Julia Dallman at [email protected] or William Browne at [email protected].
Posted on 01 April 2011
The Tunnel of Oppression, an exhibition that challenges people’s thoughts and perceptions surrounding different social injustices, will run April 11-13 from 4 to 9 p.m. in the University Center Ballrooms. It is free and open to the public. The exhibition includes a series of rooms that raise awareness about acts of oppression through interactive skits, various multimedia, and role-playing that serve as a sensory overload to bring students out of their comfort zone and present daily oppressive circumstances as well as oppression in global society. The Tunnel of Oppression 2011 will address tools of oppression, racism, political oppression, education, religion, mental/physical disabilities, gender and body image issues, classism, LGBTQ issues, domestic violence, and sexual assault.
Apply to be a tour guide, volunteer, or actor for any of the Tunnel of Oppression rooms. For more information, email [email protected].
Posted on 25 March 2011
The Department of Art and Art History presents the Sixth Annual “Salon des Refuses” exhibition, named after the celebrated Salon des Refusés exhibition of 1863 in Paris in which the Impressionists exhibited their revolutionary new paintings that had been “refused” by the French Academy. The Department of Art and Art History will showcase the work of students who entered the Annual Juried Student Competition and were not accepted.
In celebration of the event, an opening reception will be held on Friday, April 1 at 5 p.m. along with the department’s annual barbecue.
Read the full story