Posted on 07 October 2009
The Office of Research Information Management is offering a Velos patient management workshop for study team members, coordinators, research nurses, and all study personnel involved in managing patients. This hands-on module includes discussions on patient enrollment, patient status management, and patient calendars. The workshop will be held in Dominion Towers, tenth-floor training room, on Thursdays from 4 to 5 p.m. Please choose one of the upcoming sessions: October 1,8, 15, 22, or 29.
Velos eResearch is a Web-based clinical research management application designed specifically for investigators and their research teams. It supports processes for patient recruitment, patient scheduling, budgeting, invoicing, milestone management, data safety monitoring, adverse event reporting, system integration, data collection, and study execution. Velos eResearch allows all study-related information to be centralized and can be accessed from anywhere, any time. Password-protected, the account is accessible only to authorized personnel. It is easy to use, reliable, and completely secure. Registration is required through ULearn. For more information, e-mail [email protected].
Posted on 29 September 2009
Dana LaMorte, a UM study abroad student, will be talking about her semester abroad in Sacro Cuore, Italy. She studied at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore during the spring 2009 semester, and she is eager to share her experience with you! Come ask questions during this informal information session on Thursday, October 1, at 10 a.m. in Allen Hall 101. Information sessions will take place most Tuesdays and Thursdays. For more information, contact the study abroad office at 305-284-3434 or visit the Web site at
Posted on 25 September 2009
Today’s students live in an e-mail and Facebook-centered world. Blackboard’s collaborative teaching and learning software tools can help bridge the gap, but navigating these tools can be confusing. Attend a 60-minute Webinar and discover:
- What are Blackboard’s collaborative teaching & learning tools?
- How to design and develop a course on Blackboard
- Keys to personalizing your Blackboard course navigation
- How to set up electronic assignment submission and the Grade Center
Registration is required. The Webinar occurs on Thursday, October 1 from 1 to 2 p.m. in the Memorial Classroom Building, room MM 312.
Posted on 25 September 2009
Ian Hentall, Ph.D., research associate professor for the Department of Neurological Surgery at The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis, will present Electrical Brain Stimulation for Acute Neurotrauma: Neurons Mending Neurons on Thursday, October 1 from 8 to 9 a.m. at the Lois Pope LIFE Center, seventh-floor auditorium. For more information, please call (305) 243-7108.
Posted on 23 September 2009
Our daily life revolves around activity, achievement, and the pressure to always do more. So who has time to meditate? Research has shown that taking a few minutes to quiet our mind and focus on the present moment actually makes us more productive and effective decision makers. Take a meditation break at the Herbert Wellness Center. The next class in the meditation series is Thursday, October 1, from 12:45 to 1:30 p.m. in the Wellness Suite conference room. The class is free and open to everybody. Space is limited, so please RSVP by calling 305-284-LIFE (5433) or send an e-mail to Angie Ramos.