Posted on 16 October 2009
Assistant professor Alex Wilson will present a seminar for the Department of Biology entitled “An Aphid Genome: Highlights and Insights” on Monday, October 19 in Cox 166 from 12:20 to 1:20 p.m. Wilson’s research focuses on the role of symbiont genome evolution as a driving force in aphid speciation and reproductive mode effects on eukaryotic genome evolution. For more information, please contact [email protected].
Posted on 16 October 2009
“Franchises and Buyouts” will be the subject of a discussion coordinated by The Launch Pad to be held at the Toppel Career Center Library on Monday, October 19 from 12:30 to 1:15 p.m. Speakers will identify the major pros and cons of franchising, explain franchising options and the structure of the industry, discuss reasons for buying an existing business, and describe the process for evaluating a franchise opportunity. Pizza and beverages will be provided. The event is sponsored by the University of Miami Citizens Board. For more information, visit this Web site.
Posted on 14 October 2009
Attend the Benefits Fair from Monday, October 19 through Friday, October 23 and visit with representatives from Aetna, CIGNA, Delta Dental, the UM Retirement vendors, LTSave investment advice, UM Gables and Medical Wellness Centers, and others to get valuable information about your UM benefits. Raffle tickets will be available at the fair. Fill them out for your chance to win prizes. Due to a positive response to the University’s seasonal flu vaccine distribution efforts and the nationwide flu supply challenges, seasonal flu shots will not be available at the Benefits Fair. Employees who have not received their seasonal flu shot are strongly encouraged to visit other local retail locations for the vaccine. UM/Aetna health plan members can obtain free flu shots at the following locations: (If you are charged for a flu shot at any of the locations, please e-mail a copy of the invoice to Benefits Administration at [email protected].
CVS and Walgreens do NOT provide free flu shots to Aetna members outside of their walk–in clinics. Please contact your local retailers and doctor’s offices prior to your visit to ensure that they have seasonal flu shots available.
Benefits Fairs will be held on the Coral Gables, Rosenstiel, and Miller School campuses, as well as at University of Miami Hospital.
Read the full story
Posted on 14 October 2009
The Office of Commencement will host a custom regalia ordering day for University of Miami faculty on Monday, October 19 in the Lewis Room at the Rathskeller from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 4 to 6 p.m.
All bachelor, master, and doctoral packages are more than 25 percent off the regular price on ordering day. The first ten orders of UM custom doctoral regalia will receive a $100 discount. Visit the custom regalia sale to enter the raffle for a chance to win a free Tam with bullion tassel (valued at $125) with purchase. Receive a free garment bag with any sale purchase.
Visit to see all custom options. E-mail [email protected] with any questions. If you are unable to make this date, contact Debbie McInerney at Herff Jones at 305-670-6012 or via e-mail at [email protected] for more information.
Posted on 09 October 2009
The Master of Arts in International Administration (MAIA) will host a question-and-answer session for prospective applicants from 6 to 7 p.m., Monday, October 19, at the McKnight Building, suite 102. MAIA is a University-wide professional international relations program that combines international relations theory with practice and coursework in administration, management, and economics. It is a 30-credit program that may be taken on a full- or part-time basis, with core courses generally offered weekday evenings. Reservations are required by sending an e-mail to [email protected] or calling 305-284-8783. For more information about the MAIA program, visit