The Spring USpeak series continues on Friday, March 4 with its first-ever evening of multimedia performances, Movietelling Night: Poets Redub Famous Films. Movietelling refers to the ways in which orators all around the world have provided live narration, impersonations, and sound effects for films they loved (or loved to hate) ever since the early 20th century. Movietellers have ranged from the famed benshi (Japan), anticolonial pyônsa (Korea), and Weimar-era Kinoerzähler (Germany) of the pre-talkies period of cinema to the video-pirating Gavrilov translators of the Soviet Union from the 1970s onward. These “poets of the dark,” as they were described in Japan, move and entertain audiences by deepening the films’ emotional effect and layering in new meanings and humor, sometimes replacing the original screenplay with their own script and improvisations.
The works that will be presented by University of Miami undergraduate and graduate students were first developed in poetry courses taught by Creative Writing professor Walter K. Lew, who has created, performed, and researched movietelling since 1981. The performer/poets will include Nicole Hospital-Medina, Chris Joyner, Christine Williamson, and Leah Silvieus (with electronic musical accompaniment by Eden Grey); DVD recordings of earlier pieces by Vincent Caruso and Marlon Esguerra will also be shown.
The movietelling performances will be preceded by an open-mike session, during which audience members are invited to share a page of their writing.
The event will take place at the Oasis Deli in the Whitten University Center. Doors open at 6 p.m., with light refreshments and cookies provided. The program begins at 6:30 p.m.; featured performances start at 7 p.m.
USpeak events are free and open to the public, sponsored, in part, by the Department of English, Creative Writing Program, and Auxiliary Services.
The USpeak series will continue during the spring semester with the MFA Program Reading on March 11 and the Mangrove journal launch on April 15. For more information, visit, where you can also link to podcasts of previous USpeaks.