Posted on 14 October 2009

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Performance Improvement Management is a highly interactive series of four sessions and three computer-based learning (CBL) modules. The goal of the series is to set expectations for UM leaders and to develop the knowledge and skills required for effective employee performance management. Sessions will take place on Tuesdays from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. on October 27 (PIM I), November 3 (PIM II), November 10 (PIM III), and December 8 (PIM IV) in the Medical Professional Development and Training Office, Dominion Parking Garage, Suite 155. Participants must complete each corresponding online CBL prior to enrolling and must register for all four parts of the session to receive credit. To register for the sessions, visit ULearn and follow the instructions to log on. For more information, call 305-243-3090.